Quand arrivent les beaux jours, Metz a des airs de vacances, surtout le samedi matin à l'heure du marché!
When the sunny days arrive, Metz feels on holidays, especially on Saturday mornings when the market's open!
Situé idéalement au pied de la superbe cathédrale Saint-Etienne, le marché du samedi matin...
Ideally located at the foot of the wonderful St-Etienne (St Stephen's) Cathedral, the Saturday morning weekly market...
ainsi qu'au coeur du U du marché couvert (ouvert tous les jours)...
as well as within the yard of the U-shaped market hall (open 6 days a week)
le stand aux herbes, toujours bien fourni dès que le soleil pointe son nez, quelques produits orientaux le complètent...
the fresh herb stall, always well-garnished as soon as the sun comes out, also selling a few oriental products...
un autre stand de fruits secs, olives ...
another stall selling pulses/legumes by the bag, olives...
ainsi que des herbes séchées (ils ont une belle boutique rue des Jardins)
as well as dried herbs (they have a nice shop in Rue des Jardins)
un stand de beaux légumes cultivés et vendus par le producteur près de Metz, joliment présentés, je trouve...
a stall with nice vegs sold by the producer (cultivated near Metz), nicely presented in my opinion...
à l'intérieur du marché couvert, l'étalage un peu gore d'une des boucheries...
inside the market stall, the somewhat gorey butcher shops...
ils ont de tout, la vitrine fait bien quinze mètres de long...
they have everything -the window is a sizeable 15-yard long...
parfois il faut avoir l'estomac bien attaché (j'ai failli tourner de l'oeil quand j'étais enceinte, et pourtant j'aime la viande!)
not for the faint-hearted (I nearly swooned when pregnant, although I love my meat!)
Avec tout ça, je suis rentrée en bus!
My shopping done, I took the bus home!
Vous venez? Le 12/07 Laurie, ma lectrice messine propose un circuit rabelaisien dans les rues de Metz!
Wanna come? On 7/12 Laurie, my reader from Metz, takes us on a Rabelaisian tour of the city!
When the sunny days arrive, Metz feels on holidays, especially on Saturday mornings when the market's open!
Ideally located at the foot of the wonderful St-Etienne (St Stephen's) Cathedral, the Saturday morning weekly market...
as well as within the yard of the U-shaped market hall (open 6 days a week)
the fresh herb stall, always well-garnished as soon as the sun comes out, also selling a few oriental products...
another stall selling pulses/legumes by the bag, olives...
as well as dried herbs (they have a nice shop in Rue des Jardins)
a stall with nice vegs sold by the producer (cultivated near Metz), nicely presented in my opinion...
inside the market stall, the somewhat gorey butcher shops...
they have everything -the window is a sizeable 15-yard long...
not for the faint-hearted (I nearly swooned when pregnant, although I love my meat!)
My shopping done, I took the bus home!
Vous venez? Le 12/07 Laurie, ma lectrice messine propose un circuit rabelaisien dans les rues de Metz!
Wanna come? On 7/12 Laurie, my reader from Metz, takes us on a Rabelaisian tour of the city!
Je suis contente de voir Qu'Alhya, Fabienne et Cathy aient apprécié ta ballade car Metz est vraiment très jolie ..et nous on l' aime !
Coco, dommage! j'essaierai de ne pas oublier mon appareil photo...
Bonne chance pour ton marché local!