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Good things

Instead of telling you all about my failure to finish those projects I was talking about here, I'll tell you about some good things.

Baking cakes for teatime has to be the most relaxing activity. Here is a favourite of mine, already blogged about, but worth every post it can get. Olive oil and orange juice cake with pine nuts, only good things in there and a delicate cake, both dense and light, plain but delicious. It is dairy free too, if you know someone with dairy allergies. It's the olive oil and orange juice cake with pine nuts from Apples for Jam by Tessa Kiros.

I love baking cookies and biscuits too, but it's more time-consuming than cakes, so I do it less often these days. Browsing the web for Christmas ideas, I found out that the vegan punk girls' cookie book was out at last. Yay! So to be patient until next month, I set out to bake the PB chocolate pillows featured on their website, the Post Punk Kitchen. They looked so delicious with their little bellyful of peanut butter. The dough was incredible, very much like play dough. For some reason they flattened out irredeemably in my oven. They were also quite greasy. Tasted great nonetheless, hehe.

To try and forget the projects I buried at the back of my mind and of my sewing cabinet, I've been working on a tote for my mum, who's visiting, she chose the fabrics herself. Pretty cool. It's nearly done. It's a great project from Weekend Sewing by Heather Ross. I bought the book after reading about it on Sandy's blog. I have made a few things from it and must say that they were easy enough for a beginner like me but satisfying. I have already made this tote for myself and it was huge. This time it's a little smaller as I had less denim left than I thought.


Sandy said…
I'm glad you like the book! it's one of my favorites. next on my list is probably the pillowcases (which would be great christmas gifts).
i've never seen a beginner sewer pick up as quickly or as well as you have! i am so impressed!
Sandy said…
oh, i forgot to ask if you thought this cake would be alright without the pine nuts.
i have to come up with a treat for camden's class that contains absolutely no dairy or nuts and i am stumped.
julie said…
Thank you Sandy!!!

Well, the cake would be fine without the pine nuts, they just had a bit of crunch and decoration. You could make it plain or use some crushed sugar cubes or such.

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