Looking around the Christmas traditions of europe, it seems that dried fruit and orange dominate the baking offerings. While I am very tempted to make a panettone, my last one dating back a few years, I couldn't resist making stollen. Stollens are ubiquitous in Germany, and here as well and they are particularly appreciated by my side of the family for some reason. They aren't very difficult to make provided one is armed with the right recipe. How could I resist Nigel Slater's when I know that everything I have made following his advice has turned up beautifully. There are a few moot points between us on this particular occasion, but the end result is nearing perfection. What are the issues under debate? Well, first of all, Nigel suggests using glacé cherries, which I hate with a passion, and which rear their ugly little noses everywhere in British recipes around the festive season. Common glacé cherries are not good for you, as you'd guess by just looking at their ul...
Established 2005