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A craft post

I'm always a little shy about showing what I sew because I have two characteristics that make the resulting objects imperfect -and therefore probably a little laughable. I am impatient and not painstaking enough. Maybe that's the same. Because of my lack of training I just jump right in and draw the patterns without using weights or rulers, and usually just eyeball the allowances. That often results in wonky seams, unsightly little folds and unmatching edges. I often blame the designs but deep down I know it's my fault, I should be more concentrated and apply attention where it's needed.

So that's just my way of saying I haven't stopped sewing or attempting to craft with the kids, I just keep quiet about it, but fear not, I may go on and unburden myself here in the future.

Today I wanted to show you my newest bag. Bags are rewarding projects -usually, there is of course the odd exception- they're quick, useful and allow a variety of funky fabrics to be used that would be too garish for a garment. I have come across the tutorial via my new obsession, Pinterest.

I thought Meg's bag looked cool, and immediately started thinking about fabrics. Plus the tutorial is very clear and pleasant. Meg sounds very friendly -she also has lots of rad Pinterest boards.
This bag, the awesome bag, is so called because it can be used as a shoulder bag or as a messenger bag and is reversible. The idea is just awesome.

I used black cord for one side and a light quilting cotton in cream with a floral grid pattern that I bought in Purl in New York last year, that was part of their gorgeous fabric bundles. I then had to venture out in a local notions shop for buttons.Why are buttons so expensive?

I'm really pleased with my bag and that light fabric makes me smile every time I see it.


Very Shannon said…
You did a great job! I love the fabric choices too. I do the same thing with sewing too sometimes. I just cut out a dress for my daughter and realized after that the seam allowances weren't included in the pattern...oops :P Thanks so much for sharing!
julie said…
Thank you! and thanks for hosting the turorial :)
meg said…
why are buttons so expensive? I've started cutting them off of old clothes--wow I'm turning into my Nana! Thanks for all the nice things you said about me. I think you're pretty rad too.
julie said…
turning into Nana is a good thing!

Thank you for the kind comments :-)

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