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Indian summer ....and Kitchen, Nigella Kitchen

Having a break from my breathtaking adventures in New York City to share a couple of pics from my day. Today has been really nice and warm, Indian summer like, not chilly and rainy and a day to turn on the heating like last week.
Today, I received my long awaited new Nigella book, Kitchen, so I made a little teapot of Mariage (Black Orchid) and sat down with it, then later on read it in the garden as it was so nice and mellow outside.
I thought of my blog and took some pictures both in and out and of the new book.

Let me show you my squah scultpure Kürbis , haha!

autumn sculpture 

No, seriously, pumpkins rock and make excellent seasonal decoration before being turned into food.

more Kürbis

Oh, yeah, we had some birthday celebrations with Elmo, more on that later...perhaps.


Autumn brings out fabulous colours from otherwise boring shrubbery inherited from past tenants.


I can't help but think of Monty Python when I hear shrubbery.

My dad planted these a couple of weeks ago before going home.

I love the colour and shape. Also, to give you an idea of the whole -tiny- garden :

the garden

and this is the wider view, usually haunted by three ginger hens


Two gardens farther, a beautifully laden apple tree. I'm wondering whether I should pester the neighbour to harvest them, she's oblivious to the fact that they are food.
the neighbour's apple tree

So here I am, with my new book, liberated from its boring dust jacket to reveal its clever real cover, a chopping board!

me and my book

The book is quite thick and offers a glimpse into Nigella's kitchen, question is, home kitchen or work/studio /test kitchen...?

Nigella K

It's been said before, Kitchen is a return to the Nigella we fell in love with, lots of text, tons of recipes, with the photography resembling Xmas and Express (same photographer obviously). Nigella's witty prose and self-deprecating humour shine through and make it an enjoyable read, though some-many-several recipes seem a bit déjà-vu.
I haven't read it all yet but with all that being said, my lust for cooking has been stimulated.

I liked this picture, that presumably hangs in her kitchen. Makes it easier to prepare a guest's cuppa to their exact taste.

Nigella Kitchen


Kelly-Jane said…
Great pictures Julie. What will you cook first from Kitchen?!
julie said…
Thank you, Kelly-Jane!

I've made the vegetable curry and I have the apple and cinnamon muffins in the oven right now:)
I love your garden! Wish I can also have a healthy garden like yours. Thanks for sharing. Keep posting.

Ces photos sont magnifiques...

Oh! Those flowers caught my attention. It seems you have a great flower gardens. How I wish I could have a cool garden like yours. Keep it up!


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