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The Power of Mojito

This post is brought to you via the amazing restorative power of Mojito :D

I spent the afternoon trying to look after both children on my own during a birthday party on a farm. Then I drove 20km back home on winding albeit scenic backroads because the motorway was closed. I don't usually drink on my own but suddenly, the Havana Club, the organic limes and the mint on the balcony beckoned and were calling my name. Coming home I was exhausted, but now that I have nearly finished my first Mojito I must say the evening is looking pretty dandy -and I am grateful for the party, which was fun.

Enough of that, I had this post in the making earlier today so I'll skip to that now. I have been sewing up a storm, trying to finish gifts for lovely people I'm about to see when I'm on holidays next week instead of packing up boxes for our impending move.

But not only. Look at this pretty dress for Maya. OK, it looks a bit classic with its dainty fabric covered in cherries and flowers, but there's nothing wrong with that for the more serious occasions of summer. Well she doesn't seem to like it. I made up the pattern from the one I found in Homemade - Gorgeous Things to Make with Love by Ros Badger and Elspeth Thompson. I had to measure and calculate everything though, because I didn't fancy taking the book to a copy shop into town to get the full size pattern. It was OK, because it's one of those super simple vintage patterns, just a bodice, two straps and a skirt. I meant to add some pockets but forgot. And didn't follow the instructions because they made no sense to me somehow. It comes in size 1y and 3y but I made 3 Y for super slim Maya and it fits, and with the straps you can tie a bow that will adjust the bodice. I meant to make one for Alma too but got distracted and I don't like her wearing dresses anyway because of the high probability of her scratching her knees while toddling down some gravel road. Ouch.

This book, Homemade, is very nice. The projects are not super original but the friendly tone and the beautiful photography just made me want to buy it, so I got it directly from the British shop here instead of waiting for amazon to deliver it. But then I felt I needed this other book, The Wonderful Weekend Book by Elspeth Thompson so went and ordered all the same. It made me sad, after researching the authors, to hear of Elspeth Thompson's death. Her writing is so inspiring it doesn't make sense for her to take her own life. She gave so many ideas in both books for people to enjoy being creative and leading a more simple, satisfying lifestyle. The mysteries of the human soul.

Maya had two teachers this year in Kindergarten or école précoce and because they did such a great job of caring for the children and Maya felt really happy in their care except for one little boy who was constantly trying to nick her snacks or recently spit in her hair...  and since we were the only ones to give them something for Christmas, I thought they deserved a little end-of-year appreciation gift so I sewed those little totes from Ikea fabric and plan on baking them a loaf cake or some plain cupcakes for Maya's last day at school.

On Sunday next week, one of my aunt is celebrating her 80th birthday with lots of extended family and I'm pretty excited to attend. My aunt is a great woman who was a seamstress and raised her children thanks to her needlework. She could teach me so much, if only we lived closer. I made her a bag but am not satisfied with the result, but since there will be a tiny baby there, I made this little guy thanks to this book. Um, he's s bit lopsided I think he needs a shirt or something to cover up his genetic flaws. But he's cute, don't you think?

I made this shirt out of aniseed green cotton linen blend for one special lady in my life. I can't say who as it's a surprise. It's made from the Stylish Dress Book 1, tunic G, which is sized very generously.

I hope it fits! I ordered the yellow jade buttons/beads on Etsy, along with some miniature silver skull beads for this bag I made for my niece. The photo doesn't do justice to the colours.

I used the super clear shoulder bag tutorial from Melissa on tiny happy. It's my second shoulder bag, and I made a third one for my aunt too, I think I don't even need to read the tute any more now! I hope the bag doesn't come across as a pirate wannabee's, I chose the totenköpfe motif because my niece is a headbanger, you know, she's into Metallica, Linkin Park and the like.

I banged my head in my own time too, but never liked Metallica, too mainstream for me. I used to rock to Rage Against the Machine, the Pixies, and other rock or pop bands, which I still like to this day. Oh well, she could always use it inside out if she's embarassed by the skulls and bones.

OK, it's getting pretty late and I am now drinking an eldeflower cordial cocktail. I read it up somewhere, it's basically a gin and tonic with a splash of cordial and some squashed lime floating about. It's damn good. I made the cordial last week and have actually written up a post about it but always forget to take the camera with me on a walk to photograph an elderflower tree.  The recipe is the one from my friend Kate over at It's the Norm. Kate is the foraging queen. Thanks, Kate! Perhaps I'll manage to post that note before my hols.
Has anyone read this to the end or have you just looked at the pictures ;)


Metallicats. said…
Le sac ...
Il est pour ... pour ... moi ?! :D.
Il est magnifique !
julie said…
Il te plaît? Super! Je le finis et je te l'envoie :)

Metallicats. said…
Ah oui, je l'adore !
Tu es hyper douée ;).
Merci !
Bisous, à vous quatre.
julie said…
Hum, merci, mais n'exagérons rien;)

Norm said…
I read to the end! I enjoyed the pictures too - I love your sewing projects, and would be delighted to receive such a gorgeous bag as an end of term teacher-gift!

Glad you enjoyed the cordial - I must try it in one of those cocktails... Yum!
blogarnaque said…
On a le même canape ;)
julie said…
Norm, thanks for reading to the end and your kind commentaries :)
Do try the cordial in a cocktail, so delicious and you'll deserve it after packing those boxes.

Ivy, quel bon goût ;)
Snowy said…
Love reading your blog Julie. Some great sewing. Must try Kate's cordial. x
Anonymous said…
Thanks, Eira :)
Anonymous said…
Wow Julie! Your sewing is amazing! The dress for Maya is adorable :)

Melanie xoxo
Anonymous said…
Oh no! I just ordered both those books - they look so cute!

I am impressed with you and what you can create; both in the kitchen and in your sowing room! :-*

Maria in Norway
julie said…
Thank you Maria!
I just saw your blog, great!

I hope you enjoy the books :)

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