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Welcome to the cookbook geek!

So. This is the sister blog to cookbook addict, my original blog. I have decided to split it in two, one in French and the other in English, which makes my blogging activities slightly less schizophrenic and easier to oversee, especially for readers. At least, I hope so. Most of you will get here because you already know me in my cyber life, so there is no need to explain that I am not a native speaker of the English language, nor have I grown up in Britain or wherever else the Queen rules or used to rule. Nope. I am a Parisian-born food lover with a strong attachment to all things in English, be they cookbooks, peanut butter cups or digestive biscuits. And I live in a small country they call Luxembourg, but really, it's the crossroads between Belgium, Germany and France, where all things converge. But don't tell them I said that. It's a lovely place;-)
Let me show you my kitchen first...

Now you may wonder why I have named this blog "The cookbook geek". Let me just copy/paste the following, which was my answer to the question "What do you expect from a cookbook?"
"Ideally, it should have pics, but I have some without any that I like browsing anyway. When it comes to the pics, they should be sexy, "food porn" pics that make you long to eat the food. I also pay attention to the quality of the paper, the colours, etc. And of course, last but not least, I have to be inspired by the contents. I don't want to have another cookbook with the same old recipes recycled once more. Now I have also come to love books that tell stories about the food and dishes, or the writer.
On the whole, the cookbooks usually made me aspire to the lifestyle they present, iykwim...

I sound like a total cookbook geek..."


Anna said…
woooo Hoooooo, you don't know how happy I am that you've started a blog in English!! :-)
My French is abysmal, so while I really wanted to participate on your other blog, all I could do is guess, and guess badly probably at what you were saying! LOL

Anna xx
Kelly-Jane said…
I'm so happy to hear about this blog too!

I could work out what your dishes were, as my food French is good
(! haha) but the main text I was not very good at.

Looking forward to reading more.

julie said…
Thanks, ladies, I hoep you'll enjoy it here:-)


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