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SHF #27 : chocolate by brand : individual butterless chocolate cakes

This is my first participation to Sugar High Friday, a blogging game created by Jennifer, the Domestic Goddess, and this time organized by David Leibovitz, Un Américain à Paris, lover of good food and chocolate connaisseur. David invited us to make a chocolate dessert using a brand we'd proceed to describe.

Living in France, I sometimes use Cémoi organic and fair trade dessert chocolate, which isn't always available where I shop. It is really great for baking as it has 64% cocoa and also gives me a good conscience, which is perfect when one idulges in a piece of chocolate heaven...

OK, I'll confess I also use Nestlé, which I'm told isn't so conscience-absolving. I particularly appreciate their dessert milk chocolate, also to be eaten as is, as it is rich in cocoa and not overly sweet, perfect for chipping. They also have a good strong(er) dessert chocolate (Corsé, the dark brown) which is better than their regular one.

But on to today's chocolate, Lindt Dessert 70% cocoa. I feel grateful for Lindt because their chocolate is generally good and is made according to high standards, without being too pricey (at least in France). I sometimes use their Dégustation chocolate in desserts too, as some famous TV cooks advise us (wink in the general direction of Nigella and Jamie). But they have created this dessert chocolate a few years ago, and it is less powerful than the degustation one, but still has a strong cocoa flavour and isn't very sweet. It has a great texture when melted and gives a good chocolate flavour to any dessert without the slight hint of acidity of its slender brother. It is a bit cheaper too and comes in 200g bars.

I have chosen a recipe from Show Chocolat by Estérelle Payany, fellow blogger and cookbook author. I have halved the proportions and used individual tartlet tins as there were only three of us. I have added some candied orange peel and served these babies with a basic orange and cinnamon salad.
This is a great recipe when you have no scales, as Ester informs us, since you use the crème fraîche pot to measure the other ingredients as well, like you do to make a yogurt cake with children. It has no butter, so is very light in texture and perfect as a pudding. I made it even lighter using low-fat (15%) crème.

All you need is:

150g chocolate, melted
a 200ml tub of crème fraîche
4 eggs, separated
a tubful of sugar
a tubful of flour
half a sachet baking powder

optional : candied peel, diced

Preheat the oven on 180°C.
Pour the crème into a mixing bowl, and add the egg yolks. Beat to mix.
Rinse the tub out, dry it and add the sugar, then the flour and baking powder to the crème, beating in between additions. Add the peel if using.
Now whip the egg whites with a pinch of salt or a splash of plain vinegar until firm (or until you lose patience, your KA won't help much if you halve the protortions and only have two whites...)
Add the whites to the batter and pour into a prepared tin. Bake in the preheated oven for about 20-25 minutes (less if using individual shapes), an inserted tester should come out relatively clean.

The oranges I just peeled and sprinkled with cinnamon. The cakes were tender yet firm, the crust slightly crunchy. This was delicious, but I doubt it keeps well. That shouldn't be a problem though;). Thanks Ester for the recipe, and thanks David for organizing this round of SHF.


David said…
And thanks for the contribution. Have never seen that organic chocolate here in France, so I'll have to look around for it. Merci beaucoup!
Anonymous said…
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julie said…
Merci David for your comment.
Unknown said…
"A tubful" of this, and "a tubful" of that... that put smile on my face. At first I was wondering what kind of measurements you had in your area of the world, then I simply read on. Too funny. By the way... the cake sounds GREAT!
Anonymous said…
I was intrigued by this butterless chocolate cake. Nice to see that the secret ingredient is creme fraiche. I had a recent post about a pound cake without butter and I use creme fraiche as a substitute too!
Anonymous said…
couc julie je viens te faire un petit coucou car on m'a dit que tu étais mosel:lane et mopi aussi, tes photos sont très belles par contre pour suivre les recette ce sera très difficile car l"anglais et moi nous faisons 10.
bonne journée
Anonymous said…
A match made in heaven! Love chocolate and citrus
Anonymous said…
Those are delicious looking cakes. Yum!
julie said…
Thank you all for your kind comments!

NC, a sachet of baking powder (which is how it's sold over here) is about two teaspoons. Hope that helps and you like them!
Anonymous said…
Ca fait bizarre de voir sa bonne vieille recette traduite en anglais ! Merci pour le message et pour les gentilles appréciations !

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